Is Your Company Growing Fast Enough for You?

Written by Chris Anderson

Are you frustrated byrepparttar lack of growth in your firm, orrepparttar 103756 effort required to squeeze any up-tick in performance? Are inadequate policies and procedures a root cause? To find out, take this simple self assessment to see if this may be inhibiting real growth at your company.

Q. Can you take an extended vacation withoutrepparttar 103757 company falling apart?

A. If you answered “no” then you have a job and not a business. A business must have a system of standard operating procedures to ensurerepparttar 103758 work gets done correctly, even in your absence.

Q. Can your company handle a ramp-up in sales and production?

A. Hidden inefficiencies are often revealed when sales and production increase. If low turns on accounts receivable and inventory, long sales or production cycles starve your cash flow, then something is wrong. Your policies and procedures should document cycle times for your critical operating metrics.

Q. Can you effectively add more people to your organization?

A. Hiring people is simple compared to ensuring they know what to do and haverepparttar 103759 resources to accomplish their job. Policies and procedures providerepparttar 103760 framework for a management system to oversee new employees and communicate who does what by when.

Greeting Card Tango: How To Impress, Not Stress, During The Holidays

Written by Lydia Ramsey

When it comes to holiday greeting cards, to send or not to send is oftenrepparttar question. Once you have decided inrepparttar 103755 affirmative, you then have to determine who to include on your list, what kind of card to choose and how to addressrepparttar 103756 envelope.

There are lots of reasons for sending those holiday cards. You might want to enhance your current business relationships, attract new customers, remind old clients that you exist or show appreciation to those who have faithfully supported you duringrepparttar 103757 year. What is obviously a well-meaning gesture can actually offendrepparttar 103758 people you want to impress when it is not done properly.

The first place to start is with a good quality card to show that you value your clients and colleagues. Skimping on your selection can be interpreted in a number of ways. Your recipients might take it as a sign that business has not been good or that they aren't worth a little extra investment on your part.

Make sure your list is up-to-date with correct names and current addresses. If you do this on a regular basis, it does not become a dreaded holiday chore. As you gain new clients and contacts throughoutrepparttar 103759 year, take a few minutes to add them to your database and mark them for your greeting card group. This way you won't overlook anyone or embarrass yourself by sendingrepparttar 103760 card torepparttar 103761 old address.

Sign each card personally. Even if you have preprinted information onrepparttar 103762 card such as your name - which is an impressive detail - you need to add your handwritten signature. The most elegant cards should still have your personal signature and a short handwritten message or greeting. Sound like a lot of trouble? Ifrepparttar 103763 business orrepparttar 103764 relationship is worth it, so isrepparttar 103765 extra effort. This is your chance to connect on a personal level with your clients and colleagues.

Takerepparttar 103766 time to handwriterepparttar 103767 address as well. If you are ready to throw up your hands at this point and forgetrepparttar 103768 whole project, then have someone else addressrepparttar 103769 envelopes for you. Whatever you do, don't use computer-generated labels. They are impersonal and make your holiday wishes look like a mass mailing. You may save time and even money, but lose a client or a business associate inrepparttar 103770 process.

You may mail your greeting torepparttar 103771 home if you knowrepparttar 103772 business person socially. Be sure to includerepparttar 103773 spouse's name in this instance. The card is not sent to both husband and wife atrepparttar 103774 business address unless they both work there.

Whether you are addressingrepparttar 103775 envelope to an individual or a couple, titles should always be used. It's "Mr. John Doe," not "John Doe," or "Mr. and Mrs. John Doe, rather that "John and Mary Doe."

Be sensitive torepparttar 103776 religious and cultural traditions ofrepparttar 103777 people to whom you are sending your cards. Find out whether they observe Christmas, Hanukah or Kwanzaa and make sure your message is appropriate for each individual. If you decide to go with one card and a single message for all, choose a generic one that will not offend. "Season's Greetings" and "Happy Holidays" are both safe bets.

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